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Автор Тема: DSTK MOTO 2019 ( Литва)  (Прочитано 5347 раз)

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DSTK MOTO 2019 ( Литва)
« : 14.03. 19, 10:21:03 »

Добрый день. Литовский клуб старинной техники "DSTK" хочет пригласить вас на мероприятие исторических мотоциклов "DSTK MOTO 2019". Мероприятие состоится 27/28 июля 2019 года в музеe народного быта Литвы, недалеко от города Каунаса. Более подробная программа мероприятия будет объявлена позже.

Более подробная информация: Martynas Pletkus,(Мартинас Пляткус) тел. +370 673 72831, e-мэйл:

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Re: DSTK MOTO 2019 ( Литва)
« Ответ #1 : 12.07. 19, 07:42:03 »

We are pleased to announce that after few years break, we are inviting and gathering all enthusiasts of classic motorcycles again! The event will take a place from 27/07/19 to 28/07/19 at Rumsiskes Open-Air Museum.
The acceptable classic motorcycles should be produced before 1960’s. However, the hosts of the event keep a right to accept motorcycles produced after 1960’s. So, feel free to contact!
The schedule of the event:
27/07/19 Saturday:
11:00-12:00. Confirmation of the registration at Rumsiskes Open-Air Museum (coordinates: 54°51′50″N 24°13′01″E.);
12:00-14:00. Exposition for the museum visitors, “audience sympathy” election, museum visiting;
14:00-15:00. Contest “Biker of the darkness”, heading from Rumsiskes to Grezieniskes, Kruonis Pumped Storage Plant (~20km);
15:00-16:30. Contest “Devils of agility”;
16:30-17:00. Heading back from Grezieniskes to Rumsiskes (~20km);
17:00-18:30. Contest “Arise like a lightning”;
From 19:00. Evening part of the event: dinner, awards and dancing!

28/07/19 Sunday:
9:00-10:00. Breakfast;
From 10:00. The end of the event.

Please note! The overnight stay is a camping option, you will not be provided with bed or tents. Nearby there are some places for the overnight stay as an alternative option. However, booking and payment should be done individually.

It is only in-advance registration to the event. Non-registered people will not be accepted on the day of the event.
The deadline of the registration to the event is on 22/07/19.
To register, you are required to fill out the from (please visit-
The fee is 35€ per person.

If any you have any questions, please feel free to contact one of the hosts of the event:
+37062277299- Linas.


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Re: DSTK MOTO 2019 ( Литва)
« Ответ #2 : 30.07. 19, 17:03:41 »

...и там меня друг посадил на Douglas EW350 1926 года :-///

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